HELLO!! i guess i disappeared for a second there!! sorry (snl voice..if you dont know it...learn it..gilllllly is all the rage in 2010)...anywayy hope everyone had a nice holiday :) i was home for TWO WEEKS and had the best time ever!! i had good food (paired with a lot of wine...clearly), saw famliy and friends, played a million games, got pampered (nails, massage, hair..the works), and had so much fun....and now i am back in the "real world"...in quotes because i am still on winter break for classes...soooo that pretty much means im a total bum and am not at all in the real world! but you should know that really i should be enjoying it and being totally lazy..instead it actually gives me anxiety!! basically all i am doing is working part-time and hanging out.....and let me tell you, as nice as that sounds--i do better when im busy! when my alarm goes off on days when i dont work, i seriously wake up (yes, still set my alarm) and i have like real anxiety. i am always thinking there must be something that needs to be done and thinking of all the things that i could productively be doing. dooooont get me wrong..its not all bad. once i force myself to chill out...i have really been able to relax and enjoy living!! i have lazy mornings with oatmeal and coffee...fine and some real world dc and jersey shore...yes, i know, unacceptable!! i have also reunited with all my friends that i neglected when i fell of the face of the earth into science land over many glasses of wine and lattes. i am definitely living the good life! oh-and on top of that, ive also become a sports nut! seriously, football is taking over my life! i watch all the games--not just my team and not just half way...im like really into it. even when i cant be at home, i listen to them on the radio while driving AND watch highlights later on espn.....WHO AM I!?!? hahah its so weird, right??! hockey and basketball have also made an appearance in my life of late :) hmm what else...OH, i started up with a trainer again! had my first appt yesterday...can hardly walk today. gotta love it! i do have some funny stories about that..but will save that for another blog! anywayyy thats pretty much my life at the moment! its a nice change and im trying to soak up every minute of it before i go back to the life of the insane! hope everyone is having a great 2010 so far......HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
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2 days ago
yeah, football...who are you?? welcome back to life lady!!!!