Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the accidental "i love you" life is still awkward and sitcom-esque! i had a little situation tonight with the guy that ive been dating for the past couple months. never, ever triple-task while signing off on the phone with the guy you are newly dating! lesson learned. heres the tale: i was talking online to my BFF and writing an email to another friend while reading her email to me in spanish aaaaand saying goodbye on the phone to the guy. soooooo as i was doing all of these things..i dipped into my arsenal of send-offs and pulled out the first one that came to mind without really thinking....i go, "bye, love u".......................AHHHHHHHHHHH! WHA??? the situation got a litttttle awkward in that moment! the most awkward part is perhaps how much i took it back/made sure he knew that i was not saying what it seemed i was saying....whooooops! anyway...i quickly tried to explain that i was triple-tasking and that its just something i say when signing off with friends--all the while saying whoaaaaa whoa whoa...way too much! i am sure i sounded like a total bumbling freak, back-pedaling and stuttering like a weirdo...yowza! tough moment. he, on the other hand, was LOVING my panic and actually laughing at me!

lesson calls with the boy will now get my full attention!

xoxo wish me luck on our next meeting....