Thursday, December 17, 2009
happy xmas break :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
bad habits
hmm perhaps i will try to break some of the bad habits that have formed this semester over break....although i guess upon further thought, these arent really new bad habits at all..they have just manifested themselves in different ways...clearly i have always been a little OCD doing things like checking my alarm clock 800 times before i go to bed or clearly locking my car door, walking away, then convincing myself i forgot, and turning back just to make sure...even though i know i locked it. you know i locked it. i always lock it! and the coffee obsession is obvi nothing just rears its ugly head when im lacking sleep or just looking for some comfort in a cup :) what??
two finals down. two to go. as you probably can tell...i may or may not be cracking up....
Monday, December 14, 2009
ok ok, dont get all worried...i wont have any "slips" or anything! just do me a little favor and think good thoughts and WISH ME LUCK!!!!!
see you after the insanity ends.......xoxox!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
a second time for everything??
mom: you know red light cameras?
me: yes, obvi...oh no..
mom: have you heard of speeding cameras??
me: oh god
mom: yeahhh....i got a little letter today from the police saying I was speeding in YOUR city two weeks ago...
me: oh god...(nervous laughter) fast...
mom: not appropriate honey...first you get pulled over for a wrong turn, then you get pulled over for another wrong turn and get a TICKET, and now a speeding ticket?? 46 in a 35 is NOT ok dear! you need to pull it together!
me: mom! you dont understand!! eeeeeveryone speeds here..its like, you cant go the right speed limit or you are a hazard! people will pass you and basically have to speed!
mom: it comes with a picture hun...and you are literally the only car on the road....
me: oh. (more nervous laughter) uhh...well i must have been speeding to get to class!! thats it...i was toootally late for class!
mom: its time and date stamped dear....SATURDAY at 1pm.
me: (geez, cant a girl catch a break! every possible excuse shot down! throw me a fricken bone here!) oh man...umm...uhh...maybe i was on my way to study??
mom: nick, stop speeding. stop getting in trouble with the police. just be good, please.
whooooooooops! sorry mom! haha...
have a good day all....and if you happen to be a cop reading this..please leave me alone!
PS sooo not a fan of the cameras everywhere...i seriously feel like im in the book 1984! gosh, i cant speed, i cant run red lights...whats next?? hahah..seriously though..hate them, totally not fair!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
theres a first time for everything...
Monday, November 16, 2009
*folgers update*
many of you know that i dont like to be wrong (and im not wrong often ;) ) when i had it yesterday, with my stubborn nature and the endorsing post in my mind, i really did give it a good old college try. i was like, no no, its in my tastes fine. my throat is burning from the chemical taste...toootally fine..drink it down, its good! i finally gave up after half a cup (of gagging) decided to cut my losses and just admit i was wrong. so there you go, are you happy?? dont drink folgers people..its not good.
happy monday!
Friday, November 13, 2009
moldy cheese
haha oh well! have a good weekend :)
Friday, November 6, 2009
**fireflies-owl city (who is NOT the person from postal service or death cab for cutie, even though he sounds identical...totally amazing and sweet though regardless of the fact that he sounds exactly like someone hes not)
**party in the USA-miley cyrus (who i hate that i like but cant help but like her dang songs! so fricken catchy! awkward...)
**forever-drake feat. lil wayne, kanye, and eminem (ive always been obsessed with hes clearly my favorite part, but im liking lil wayne lately too, even though he has an old man face on a teen weird..)
have you ever seen such a random mix of fav songs?! total opposites!! hah but im totes obsessed with all if you are either a slow sweet music fan, teen pop fan, or rap fan..i have the perfect amazing song just for you! haha! if anyone has any song recommendations or current obsessions...let me know!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
the best part of wakin upppp....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
the power of the rubber glove

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
keen sense of direction
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
poker face
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
ok back to work...just thought id share and if any of you feel a sickness coming on, seriously start chugging will not be disappointed :) (plus it sort of tastes like tang, which is obviously so good and totally reminds me of after school snacks with my sister!!)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
seriously SO amazing!! now that i have night classes and dont eat dinner until i get home somewhere between 9:30 and 10:30...i have had to start planning ahead for snacks and things to tide me over. the blog world seems to be obsessed with bars for this purpose so i went ahead and bought a few different kinds to try (luna, cliff, think thin, kind, etc) they have all been pretty good so far, buuuuuuut the leader of the pack is DEF the LARABAR!! i LOVE that there are seriously only about 3-5 ingredients (mainly fruit and nuts)...all of which i recognize and can pronounce! they are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, kosher...yeeeep they pretty much sound sick, right?? thats what i thought too...then i opened it and saw the delightful nasty brown stiff square...ew, sick again...but i went that far, so had to go all the way and actually eat the sucker! i am proud to say i was wrong! larabars are sooo YUM! dont know how they do it, but they take those like three ingredients and make them into something filling, healthy, and delicious! if you are like me and always running around like a crazy person and constantly not having time to eat...go get yourself some larabars!!! my fav flavs so far are peanut butter cookie and chocolate coconut chew...YUM!
ps any other bar suggestions or fast/healthy snack ideas would be appreciated!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
off to class/off to get a latte! have a gooood one!!
Carrot Cake Oats :)
Carrot Cake Oatmeal
serves 1
1/2 c oats
1 c water
1/4 c shredded carrot (i used a they were very would be sick with thick shredded carrot)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbls vanilla soy yogurt (can use any kind of yogurt obvi)
1 tsp maple syrup
3-5 chopped pecans (toasted=better!)
sprinkle shredded coconut
*optional: agave nectar if added sweetness is necessary
1. combine in saucepan: oats, water, and carrots (remember-shredded thin or it wont be right). cook on medium heat until its bubbling and most of the water is gone (5-7 mins). stir occasionally.
2. while you are waiting for your oats, make the "frosting" for your carrot cake. mix in a bowl: vanilla soy yogurt and maple syrup. also, toast (can do in a pan or in the microwave) and chop your pecans.
3. once the oats are ready, remove from heat and add the vanilla extract and perhaps some agave nectar (this is optional...but mine could have been a tad sweeter, so i could have added a little here to help with that...if you dont have agave, a little brown sugar can also be used).
4. next pour oats into the bowl, drizzle icing over the top, sprinkle on the coconut, and finally the toasted pecans...and ENJOY!!
YUM!! this totally worked for a carrot cake fix and was a wonderful and filling way to start the day!! def give it a tryyyyy!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
i dont get it
Sunday, September 20, 2009
**amazing item alert**

Kale Salad!!
Kale Salad
kale (organic is best, comes in a big bunch...just normal green kale, no dino kale or anything)
handful of dried cranberries
handful of pine nuts
raspberry vinaigrette (i use annies light...yum!)
*optional, could top with tofu or chicken to get some added protein
1. wash and pat dry kale leaves (amount obvi depends on how much salad you want...i use about 3-5 leaves for a biggish salad)
2. tear the leaves off the stem into salad-sized pieces and throw into a bowl
3. add handful of cranberries, handful of pine nuts (amount depends on a freak, so i pretty much follow the serving size on the package...)
4. dress (to taste) with some delish raspberry vinaigrette--i usually do about 1 1/2 tbls (if you dont like rasp vin, you can try another dressing, but with the crans, i think it goes best with a sweeter/berry dressing personally)
AND THATS THAT, easy right?? i put it in a tupperware in the AM and then just shake it around when im ready to eat it for lunch! soooooo good!! if you try it, let me know what you think!!
one more pic for the road...xoxo
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
new york newww yooooork
Friday, September 4, 2009
metro tales
interesting morning! hah HAPPY FRIDAY!! have a great labor day weekend :)
some things i dont like
1. when ppl sign an email with "regards" doesnt sound professional, it just sounds harsh. dont do it ppl!
2. the word "comfy"...fine if youre 5 or if youre talking to a 5 year old, say it. if youre not--dont (especially if you are a guy...never ok)
3. when you say to someone, "i have a question" and they respond with "i have an answer", ew, annoying.
4. the over usage of the word "myself". i think sometimes ppl try to sound smarter by saying myself instead of me...but sometimes its actually correct to say "me", ok guys??
5. saying sorry for things we dont need to say sorry for...yep, i do this nonstop and i annoy myself and always wish i could take it back! ie. when i was coming out of the elevator today, two men came barging in and I said, oh, sorry! then they go, its ok and kept barging. im like, wait, what?? i take that back! im NOT sorry...YOU barged in instead of letting ME out first...elevator etiquette my friends! haha..whoa, i may have hit a hot button?!
6. going along with #5 is when you hold the door for someone and they dont say thanks or acknowledge you in any way...ellen does a bit on this too...youre welcome, your majesty! hah say thank you or at least make eye contact and nod, come on people!
7. the kid yesterday in my class who yelled BLESS YOU from the back of the room to the girl who sneezed in the front of the, yes its nice to say bless you, but do you really need to interrupt the whole lecture AND draw attention to sneezy mcgee?? i dont think so!
8. people who try to make you pet their dogs in the street. you know, when you are walking by them and they let their dog come up to you and they are all smiley. its like, just because we are both walking on the sidewalk and passing each other, does not mean i need to a. like dogs and b. want to pet yours. i try to just nicely steer clear, but other times when they dont take the hint, i say im allergic...what??
hmm..i think thats about it for today. haha what a happy cheerful friday post!! if you have any weird things you dont like...feel free to share :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
first day of school!
PS just found out that i have to buy some materials for next weeks lab--among the many items on the list, the two of the more embarrassing ones are: a white lab coat and protective GOGGLES! haha imagine ME in goggles and lab coat...hmm..wonder if they make the coats in pink?? hahah soo awkward...ill try to get a picture! xoxo
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
the sneeze attack
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
serves 1-2
2 1/4 cups of flour (i use half whole wheat and half white)
1 cup warm water
1 (.25 oz) package of dry active yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tbls agave nectar (or honey)
*Pizza Toppings
1/4 cup goat cheese (you can use any kind of cheese obvi)
1 thinly sliced roma tomato
2 strips of crumbled tempeh fakin bacon (can use real, but why??)
1/4-1/2 cup of finely chopped lettuce (i used a spinach/green cabbage mixture and it was YUM!)
1-2 tsps mayo
drizzle olive oil
pinch of garlic powder (optional)
sprinkle of parmesan cheese (optional)
1. preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. prepare DOUGH (this actually makes 3 servings...i split it into three balls and use one for this recipe and put the other two in the fridge for later use...unless you are making it for more ppl or you want
leftovers...then make it bigger but obvi increase amount of toppings).
3. in a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. let stand until creamy, about 10 mins.
4. in a large bowl, combine flour and salt. then make a dent in the middle and add in the agave (or honey) and yeast mixture. stir well to combine. cover dough and set aside in a warm place for a few mins so it can rise.
5. while dough is rising, prepare your other ingredients. THINLY slice the roma tomato (as thin as you can...the thinner, the better because they sort of melt together so you dont need sauce!), grate 1/4 cup of cheese, fry 2 pieces of fakin bacon and then roughly chop or crumble with hands, then finely chop lettuce and mix in mayo to make a little salad.
6. roll out 1/3 of the dough on a flour dusted cutting board-or i just used the counter top-(clearly i dont have a rolling pin, so i just use my hands to shape it!). the dough will be pretty sticky, so you will want some extra flour around to control that sucker! if it is really sticky and you are getting frustrated and cursing me out...grab a little olive oil and put that on the dough or your hands while you work and it will make it better!
7. once you have your pizza crust rolled out, drizzle a little olive oil on and rub it all around. then sprinkle the crust with a little garlic powder. top with one even layer of the roma slices, the bacon crumbles, and finally the cheese. if you sprinkle a little parm on top, it will brown a little better.
8. place pizza on cookie sheet (sometimes easier to put it on cookie sheet before you add toppings, fyi...learned that the hard way...) and put in oven for about 10-15 mins (depending on how you like your piz)
9. remove from oven and top with lettuce/mayo mixture and you have yourself one amazing BLT PIZZA!!!
as always, everything is better with a glass of cut that pizza, pour a glass, and ENJOY!! let me know what you think :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Almond-Orange Tofu
ok, now back to the topic at hand! this recipe comes from SPAIN (oh and before you are should know this is not an asian recipe...which is why instead of calling it just orange tofu, i call it almond orange...whenever i tell ppl about it they assume im making a chinese orange chicken type dish..nooope)! anyway, i learned how to make it from my spanish mama (the woman i lived with when i was there last year), except she made it with chicken (and so did i until i stopped eating meat) you can substitute the tofu with 2-3 chicken breasts, if you want, but my recipe is with tofu, obvi! anyway, this was a definite favorite of ours in spain...we ate it all the time! its cheap, easy, fast, and freezes well too!! alright here we gooooo:
Almond-Orange Tofu
serves 3-4
1 block firm tofu
2 small onions (or one large)
~7-10 unsalted almonds
~5-6 cloves of garlic (depending on how much you like it)
juice from 3 oranges
olive oil
med-large pot with lid
cutting board
paper towels (to get moisture out of tofu)
1. cut tofu in 1/2 inch slices the long way and then cut each of those in half so you have squares (shape doesnt really matter--you can also keep them big). then spread out evenly over paper towel and put paper towels on top and press out some of the moisture. i let my tofu sit with a heavy pot on top for about 15 mins to get as much moisture out as i could (changing the paper towels once or twice).
2. while you are waiting for your tofu to be ready, you can prepare the other ingredients. onions-slice the onion in half, then into thin slices (so they arent rings, they are half rings). garlic-finely chop the garlic (or you can use a garlic press). almonds-smash or cut the almonds into small pieces. oranges-slice in half.
3. salt both sides of the tofu and fry it (high heat) with a little olive oil (you can do this right in the pot or in a separate frying pan). if you are using chicken, you just want to brown it, not cook it. with the tofu, its just a fast high heat fry to get the outside a little brown and crispy.
4. remove tofu from pan and set aside.
5. coat the bottom of the pot with olive oil (maybe a couple teaspoons?) and add the onions, garlic, and almonds AND a pinch or two of salt (i am not a huge salt fan, but mine was lacking because i didnt do this!!). slowly cook over medium heat until the onions are soft (not brown).
6. once the onions are nice and soft, squeeze the juice of the three oranges into the pot. turn up the heat and let bubble for about 5 minutes.
7. add the tofu, give it a stir, then turn down the heat and put the lid on the pot. let simmer for about 15-30 mins so that the tofu can really take in the flavors.
8. i just serve it by itself with a veggie on the side, but you can also serve it over rice!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
ellen moment
**if you are confused by this post and dont know what ellen moment i am talking going to need you to find here and now--ellen's most amazing stand-up--and watch it now! k, thanks! xox
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
weird lunch
weeeird lunchin!
back to school
Thursday, July 30, 2009
ew dude
so this is just a general announcement...wildly brushing your hair in tight quarters with strangers=never an option!
have a great day :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes
Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes
Friday, July 24, 2009
policeman trickery
happy weekend :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
a surprise in my bloob
ew, it was sick. you better believe i will always eat blueberries with caution from now on...and i suggest you do the same!!